Technology and Communications Committee Report - January 2025

Good morning, Area 41, 

The Technology and Communications committee continues to meet monthly online, in between assemblies. We met on November 9 and December 14 for 90 minutes, each time with six members in attendance. We also met yesterday for our full three hours, with a total of 17 members in attendance, including one online. We continue to welcome new members, and our future committee meetings will be posted on the events calendar. 

We are humbled by the positive feedback in response to our website updates. Forward kudos are due to Loren and Chris for helping me with the technical work; and to Rebecca, Terri, and Tom, for their countless hours brainstorming the site structure last spring. Our site migration would not have been so efficient without their foundational work. 

The overarching theme of hot topics in our committee can be summarized as how do our printed publications and our website work together? Yesterday (January 11) also brought up the difference of anonymity versus confidentiality. There are more conversations to be had, and it sounds like the Agenda Committee has a July workshop that may address this among other items. 


General Website Updates 

The committee reviewed the most recent content additions to the website. Please know the committee always welcomes continued feedback on this. 

It was suggested to add “click here” text to the Background headings on the Agenda post. This is currently added as a “Details” WordPress block: a heading or summary appears with “hidden content” that can be shown/hidden by the reader. The headings have been edited to read: “Background (click to expand)”. They could also be set to be “open” by default. Having the background details “closed” by default helps the Agenda posts be more concise to navigate, leaving the user to “open” each background one at a time. 

The committee also prepared a list of meta keywords to add to the website–these are keywords we want our site to be found for. While search engine rankings largely ignore meta keywords at the present time, it can still be helpful to identify them as a tool to help ensure our ongoing website content is naturally including these keywords—encouraging content based natural ranking. 

Added to site: aa nebraska, nebraska aa, area 41, area 41 aa, nebraska aa meeting, alcohol help, alcohol meetings at church, alcohol meetings at hospital, in person aa meetings, online aa meetings, where can i get a big book, area forty one, area 41 newsletter, alcoholics anonymous nebraska, alcoholics anonymous area 41, aa area 41, aa area nebraska, aa nebraska, nebraska area, aa in my area, alcoholics anonymous, get help with alcohol, nebraska alcoholics anonymous, nebraska area alcoholics anonymous

Yet to be added (will include all key cities from table on District page, plus any requested by the fellowship): (city) aa, (city) aa meetings, aa meeting near (city). Please forward your additional suggestions any time. 

Additional old business relating to general website tasks that remains in committee: 

  • Email subscription service – the committee questioned if this is still needed if the revamped website accomplishes the need. Wondered if we could have another sharing session with the area? Would we prefer a “latest posts” feed on the homepage? (Current general consensus is to keep Home clean.) A member asked could we replace the newsletter?
  • Increase users posting content. 
  • Use other committee members to reach out to other entities/service positions within the area on a recurring basis for content.
  • District map – have received an open source online map tool from national AA technology workshop. All areas are invited to add their service area. Will consult with Report & Charter to add this to the other map formats being provided.
  • We revisited the question of do we need a password on member services documents, and will be contacting some other committees regarding some documents–particularly some finance documents and the past actions.
  • Past action sanitizing – Rebecca willing to help. Intention is to propose what would need to be redacted to have this document properly sanitized for the web. It should be noted that the Area 41 Website Guidelines indicate that even documents behind passwords should be scrubbed if on our web server. The past actions in their current state do not align with our website guidelines.
  • Update website guidelines. Make sure to include webmaster responsibilities and ensure that we encourage redundancy in having multiple trained servants. 
  • Meeting list update collaboration between Area 41 and Lincoln and Omaha Intergroups. This was addressed with the suggestion to have each entity add the other two web servant email addresses to their Twelve Step Meeting List (TSML) email notifications. Then the Omaha and Lincoln Intergroups can update the meetings applicable to them and ignore the rest. Notifications have been setup in Area 41 and Omaha TSML plug-ins. Lincoln is currently forwarding notifications manually to the Area 41 webmaster.
    • Will likely update Area 41 email linked to TSML to meetings [at] [domain]. This is currently an alias on the webmaster account, and creates potential for another servant to assist with meeting list updates in the future. 
  • Omaha Intergroup has also been in communication with me to discuss their upcoming website improvements, and how we might collaborate/cooperate regarding redundant district content between the intergroup and area websites. 
  • Search Area 41 Service Handbook and past actions listing for "web" to identify any additional past website content suggestions that might have slipped through the cracks?
  • Phone numbers on event fliers/event pages. A.A. Guidelines for Internet state: “Due to search services on the Internet, it is now possible to utilize phone numbers to find out a person’s identity, including full names and, possibly, other personal information. If A.A. members become increasingly uneasy with personal phone numbers being placed on flyers, event committees may need to look into alternate ways of providing contact information such as an event email address.” For current events, fliers are being posted as provided in an image format, and phone numbers are not repeated in the event page text. May want to consider further redaction of phone numbers from flier images. Will be seeking additional feedback from fellowship. (Contact forms can be utilized in lieu of showing email addresses or phone numbers on event pages.) 
  • Other Committee/Servant Requests: 
    • Literature–Would like to have posts highlighting individual pamphlets. Site is ready for this, awaiting content from chair. 
    • Archives–Would like to offer Archives library online. T&C Committee will be doing research on best way to host/organize files and share on website page(s), as well as ideal file types. Will confer with archives servants, particularly those who have recently attended national workshop; as well as review existing suggestions in the Technology in AA (TIAA) forum. Omaha Intergroup has a near-parallel project underway, so we are collaborating on this research. 
    • Secretary/Report & Charter--Could reports be uploaded to a shared folder that could feed directly into the combined newsletter document (using macros or other process)? Tech Team has had preliminary discussion. Folder upload is possible. Additional suggestion is to have a preferred file type that will “play nice” over different operating systems and softwares: Rich Text Format (rtf) initially recommended. More research to continue. 
    • Registrar–Registrar asked if we could add checkbox to new group and group change forms, that will send notification copy the web servant for Meeting List updates ONLY IF the box is checked. This is possible and easy to set up. Registrar is reviewing Tech Team response. 
    • Reunion – Working with Reunion co-chair and Treasurer to setup online registration form. Gravity Forms plug-in offers a “PayPal Checkout Template” that has been incredibly easy to set up and will work with the existing Area PayPal account. Online registration will be open shortly. Visit for online registration and final schedule! 
    • Are we missing anything here? Please remind the chair if you have an existing request with the committee. 


Newsletter and Website  

In November, on the ongoing topic of the newsletter and how to address contact info in the web version: The committee questioned if this would warrant additional area feedback by way of an agenda item? We discussed how this supports communication and process? The intention is to reduce information that wouldn't need to be published, which could be harvested and used improperly by spammers.

One goal of the website is to put information on the site in a way that is safe while also communicating what's important.

Consensus was to re-ask Report and Charter to have the email listed in the directory with personal addresses as secondary (and perhaps optional).

One member encouraged the committee to move agenda items to the fellowship for feedback, and reminded us that the fellowship needs to see the VALUE in a solution for it to be maintained. 

In December, the committee began to brainstorm possible agenda items: 

Possible agenda item one: To propose email and web links to accompany all report headings and perhaps encourage all contact info (i.e., phone numbers and email addresses) be excluded from the report body. 

  • The unscrubbed newsletter could include the email address and short link to the applicable website page for each report heading.
    • Would it be worth also asking to have the contact directory page on its own physical page of the back of the printed newsletters, so that it could be easily torn off if needed to create a scrubbed version? 
  • For the scrubbed newsletter: Suggest to only show a short link to the respective website page with contact form and not list any email addresses at all? 
  • For the web newsletter: Consider redacting ALL phone numbers and email addresses. Link to website pages with contact forms only.
    • Could scrubbed version already be this way, that the scrubbed and web versions could be the same? This would require people to contact servants through the website because email addresses wouldn't be published in the web newsletter. Is this a barrier?

Possible agenda item two: Permission to add web links for feedback forms or other website resources, developed after assembly in response to reports and before the newsletter is finalized. 

Possible agenda item three:  To have email listed first in directory for all service positions and committees with personal email address column as secondary (and perhaps optional). 

In January, the committee discussed if it might be possible for the unscrubbed newsletter to mimic the private post content on the website and for the scrubbed newsletter to be consistent with public post content? 

Several members continue to ask if the newsletter could contain excerpts with full reports available through the website? The committee is reminded that we have one member who does not have a computer or email address who relies on their paper newsletter from their DCM, and how do we take into account providing private post content to members such as this?  


Anonymity vs. Confidentiality 

At January meeting, the Delegate visited the committee with three topics submitted for our discussion: 

  • How to host upcoming Delegate GSC items (confidential information)? Drive folder in Google Workspace with controlled access may be best. Could also add link to this on Member Services (password protected) page.
  • How to submit content for Delegate’s Corner? Currently, all website content submissions from servants, committees, and districts can be emailed to tech [at] [domain]. In time, we will likely establish WordPress “Contributor” logins for requesting servants. 
  • Delegate elaborated slightly on committee’s newsletter conversation. Reminded us of other committees’ right of decision, and asked if we were outside of our scope?
    • The committee believes that the ongoing newsletter conversation does fall within our scope as it relates to the website guidelines: The website guidelines list the newsletter being outside of the protected area, but then also has guidelines for anonymity protection. With Communications now in our name, there will be an increased need to collaborate with the other committees, such as Agenda and Report & Charter, to refine our process to make sure that both committee scopes complement each other and work together. 
  • Additionally, there was some content in the delegate’s report from October that had not been intended for public online audience. The delegate refrained from making a specific suggestion, but invited our committee to discuss possible ways to address this. Lengthy discussion ensued.
    • The committee eventually realized there are two different issues at play: anonymity versus confidentiality. The website posts mirrored the content from the scrubbed newsletter, which is anonymity protected. It appears there might be some content, particularly in the delegate’s report, which still requires additional confidentiality.
    • The October report post has been hidden, and the web servants are working with this officer to identify what content ought to be redacted on the web version of the newsletter.
    • The committee had quite a lot of discussion on public versus private posts and how we can address having the version of reports and posts that are publicly available for anyone in our fellowship to find, especially as it relates to communication and participation; but that there might be some additional reporting that would be beneficial to keep confidential and how could we handle this using subscriptions through the website? 
    • The committee chair is working with the delegate to determine which content is appropriate for the public facing site, and our upcoming conversations regarding subscriptions and the ability to have members subscribe to some protected content in addition to the public content will help us achieve this.
    • Please stay tuned for forthcoming reports, and our showcase in April where we will seek additional feedback from you on subscriptions.


Committee Showcase at April 2025 Assembly 

The committee brainstormed in December with the intent to finalize in February. What are broad topics for our table? 

  • Big Item 1: Website–Seek feedback from fellowship regarding current need and desires for email subscriptions. Also focus on content desired and how to submit: reports, minutes, highlights, meetings, and events. 
  • Big Item 2: Hybrid assembly logistics. 
  • Items like guidelines not likely to draw people’s interest in the committee work. 


Items Still In Committee 

  • 2022-10-09 014 re. Email Subscription Service through Website, tabled. Committee has decided to pause taking action on this until July 2025, and will seek feedback from fellowship during committee showcase at April 2025 assembly. 
  • 2023-04-15 08b (Tech confer with Finance): Create guidelines and answer Traditions questions for future Area 41 purchases of electronic equipment. Tabled pending the Area vote on the hybrid assembly item (January 2025). Committee will address this item in advance of proposing additional equipment for Area purchase, prior to the first year of hybrid assemblies ending.


Item Moved Out of Committee  

The committee met for two hours on Saturday, January 18, with 11 in attendance, to rework the audio-visual servant agenda item that was recommitted at assembly.

After much discussion on the scope, the committee presumes that the full list of tasks we discussed would fall on more than one person. While we include “may assist” with slide sharing, and some other hybrid technology, the audio-visual servant is primarily intended to get the physical equipment to the assemblies and ensure that it is set up and ready to use. There will be additional volunteers to help make the hybrid assembly happen. Screen sharing could happen by a Zoom operator who is logged on remotely.

It was questioned whether we were getting into “special services” territory and needed to consider outsourcing and/or compensation? 

One of the current tech volunteers thought that the estimated current equipment sounded feasible to transport, but the committee understands that with future needs, especially if the area were to own its own sound equipment (as opposed to relying on a hotel sound system), we may need to revisit either equipment rental or paying a stipend. 

The reworded item is presented to the fellowship for a vote as follows: 

Agenda 2024-04-06 002 Technology & Communications (with consultation of Report & Charter): 

Dissolve the Taper service position and create a new Audio-Visual service position in its place. Because this position requires special skills and continuity, it will remain a six-year appointment. Area Chairperson to appoint. The service position would be overseen by the Technology and Communications Committee. 


  • Ensure proper storage and adequate security of applicable equipment, and timely delivery and setup for Area assemblies.
  • Manage the microphones/sound systems. 
  • Ensure that Area assemblies are audio-recorded, and that recordings are provided to the Chairperson and Secretary, and to the Archives. 
  • Provide audio recording of other Area functions as requested by Chairperson, subject to the availability of the Audio-Visual servant.  
  • Make sure the projectors are working. 
  • Assist with slide sharing, logistics and/or hosting for virtual or hybrid assemblies.

Amend budget to move Taper position lodging, mileage, and “Area Taping” expense lines from Secretary to Technology and Communications Committee, and rename appropriately. Update lodging to be for two nights per assembly, to allow servant to arrive on Friday with equipment. 

Amend the Area 41 Service Handbook to appropriately reflect these changes, and sunset any past actions in conflict.


As the area becomes more and more modernized, the need for a person to manage several different pieces of technology instead of just recording assemblies has become apparent. This position and its proposed scope supports our primary purpose in Tradition Five–to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers–and the “Right of Participation” as described in Concept IV. At the request of the Area, and in support of Concepts X and XI, the voting item has been reworded as shown above. 

The committee’s intent regarding “proper storage and adequate security of applicable equipment” is to encourage equipment not be left in a common area or vehicle, for instance; but rather be kept in a personal space that is both locked and protected from the elements (such as home or garage). 

Area 41 Service Handbook references to amend include: update “Taper” to “Audio-Visual” in Paragraphs II.C.2, III.C.2.c.iii, IV.B, and IV.B.3; and remove “Taper” reference from Report and Charter Committee scope in Paragraph V.B.9.b. 


Please feel free to contact me at [Committee Contact Form].

In service, Sarah R., Committee Chair