GSR Workshop Report - January 2025

Greetings Area 41! We had a great turnout yesterday afternoon with 60 people in attendance, several of whom were at Area for the first time.

Our main topic of discussion was service sponsorship and ways we as individuals and group members can contribute to support and encourage those who will be filling the roles we and others now hold in AA Service. We heard from current service sponsors and sponsees about the value of studying AA service literature together the way we would study the Big Book and Twelve and Twelve and that there are many experienced trusted servants in our Area who can be consulted about service issues or questions.

GSRs offered experience from their groups with formats and practices that are making participation in service at all levels more accessible to members—especially those newer to service—and we focused on how the spirit of rotation can draw new servants into the places we vacate as we rotate into other service positions or out of formal service for a season at the ends of our terms. We heard about small groups in smaller communities where there often is no one currently able to rotate into vacant positions. We were reminded of Tradition 4 and that each group has autonomy to choose what works in its circumstances.

We have not yet selected a main topic for the next GSR workshop in April and are always interested in hearing from GSRs about topics or questions they would like discussed at future workshops. We look forward to the GSRs sharing their experience, strength and hope at the next workshop in April.

In everything, I have been ably assisted by McKenna K., our alternate GSR Workshop Chair, for whom I am very grateful. McKenna and I are privileged to serve our Area 41 GSRs through the workshop and look forward to meeting again with the GSRs at the next Area Assembly. Please feel free to contact either of us between assemblies with any questions or suggestions for future workshop topics.

Yours in service,
Rebecca T., GSR Workshop Chair