Technology and Communications Committee Report - October 2024
Good morning, Area 41,
The Technology & Communications committee opened at 9:02 with the serenity prayer and adjourned at 11:52 with the responsibility statement. We started with 12 members in attendance, and concluded with a total of 14, including one online. The July report was reviewed, along with working notes from all subsequent committee meetings and working sessions.
Since July, we have met monthly as a committee, with the hybrid subcommittee also meeting monthly, as well as countless online working sessions with the website transition team, website mapping group, and informal wordsmithing sessions on our agenda items by many others. Therefore, for the sake of clarity, the remainder of this report is organized by item.
First, regarding our website rebuild and email hosting changes. The committee met on August 10 with 11 in attendance, and reviewed a website hosting proposal by JM Online of Omaha, NE. This proposal was requested in response to committee member suggestions that an individual A.A. member not hold the “keys” to our entire domain and website hosting, and that this is appropriately categorized as paid professional services in context of Tradition Eight. The committee had advance communication with the Treasurer and Finance Committee, to approve expenses for the website migration and initial hosting fees, and incorporated the future costs into our proposed 2025 budget.
All August 10 motions carried with no opposition:
- Accept JM Online proposal and move forward as able within committee’s scope.
- Accepted proposed budget for 2025, which includes a handful of hours of support by JM Online at $120/hr, that would only be utilized if needed.
- Go with premium license for Gravity Forms, at a cost of $78/year.
Additional CONSENSUS:
- Committee agreeable to website downtime for several days or a week, with temporary splash page to include: Nebraska A.A. hotline number, and links to and
- To pull Service Handbook OUT from behind password wall. Pause to do our due diligence with the rest of items behind password. (E.g., Past Actions document would need additional sanitizing, as it contains several last names in past election results.)
- Agreement to create a “WEB” version of scrubbed newsletter with additional sanitizing. The committee would prefer to pull all emails and phone numbers, and replace with links to respective committee or service position pages that each have an embedded contact form; for the moment, we are ensuring any email address that reveals a last name is redacted, and then printing the PDF to a “flat file” that is seen as an image rather than text–to the best of our knowledge, spider bots do not currently read images, but it may be beneficial to not publish our email addresses even in images in the future. The committee requests future collaboration with Newsletter and Secretary, to revisit the scrubbed newsletter process to see if it could also be web ready.
Over the next couple weeks (in August), our Website Transition Team (aka Tech Team) worked tirelessly to build the new desired taxonomy and get starter content in place. We were thrilled to pull back the curtain as scheduled on August 21, and continue to fill in our site content. Base structure and content are implemented. We are waiting on additional starter content from several committees, and districts, and I have yet to make direct contact with most service positions. Feel free to send over your desired content any time. Please consider base content such as describing your role, current projects and activities, day and time of recurring meetings. The watchwords for the purpose of our service content are: communication and participation. How can we inform all of the area the services and support we are providing, and how members can join in the work?
A few highlights: Our GSR and DCM resources are now located on Using a plug-in, we can create a short URL directly to any page on our site, and a QR code is also available for every short link. These service resource pages can be accessed directly at and A similar short URL exists for our new Bridging the Gap form, at, and I will provide the corresponding QR code to Dean.
A fun item to share is when higher power moments show up in the details. The website mapping group, which worked hard since May, had settled on three key home page buttons: Need Help Now?, Find a Meeting, and Area 41 Service/Info. As it became time to build the new site, we realized that these three items fit A.A.’s three legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service. Not planned, and how cool? Check out these three buttons below the cranes banner on, and when you hover (on computer) or tap (on mobile), they change to a different image with the corresponding legacy.
All contact forms are working, and there is a form on every committee, service position, and district page. Please reach out with your desired page content, and to confirm where your forms are sent: [Committee Contact Form].
Please note that a few content requests between April and August may have slipped through the cracks. Check your meetings in the Meeting List and send any still-needed updates to [Webmaster Contact Form]. We are corresponding with Lincoln Intergroup and Omaha Intergroup to determine the best way to communicate behind the scenes to ensure that applicable meetings are updated in multiple Meeting Lists.
In mid-August, additional committee consensus was confirmed regarding Google Workspace for Nonprofits. The committee voiced support of the ease of use of this platform, and increased ease with transferring the email accounts and stored documents between service rotations. Having confirmed that Google Workspace for Nonprofits is free (for eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits) up to 2,000 users with 100 TB shared across all users, committee consensus was to proceed with this as our best option for email hosting alongside the new website.
We moved forward with confirming Area 41’s eligibility for a free Google Workspace for Nonprofits account and activating hosted email. At the monthly committee meeting in September, the committee reviewed and concurred with the proposed “best practices” language to go out with New User invitations for Google Workspace. Invitations have been sent to all officers, service positions, and committees. About four district accounts remain to receive invitations, as contact details need to be confirmed.
The “best practices” and intent with Google Workspace are summarized as follows:
Email (Gmail inbox)
- It is preferred that trusted servants access and send messages through the hosted account, as this offers the most anonymity protection.
- While we invite you to use your email address for area business, you will still use your personal email address provided to the Registrar for accessing services through
- This will also provide the most complete documentation for service rotation purposes.
- Please remember: when you are using your Area 41 email address, you are representing Area 41. Principled communication using the seven Cs is encouraged: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous.
Drive (Cloud Document Storage with Sharing Options)
- Please start using Drive as a “virtual binder” for your committee documentation (rather than storing files on your personal device).
- If you would like assistance sharing any folder content with members, feel free to contact the Tech Team for help.
- If you utilize a physical binder, and would like scanning assistance to save backup copies to your Drive, the Tech Team will have a scanner available at Area assemblies to help.
Next, agenda item 2021-07-10 017: Area 41 conduct hybrid meetings as an option for virtual, as well as physical, attendance at Area 41 assemblies and business meetings.
The hybrid subcommittee met on July 20, August 24, and September 28, with additional discussion at monthly committee meetings. The objective was to prepare a proposal regarding necessary equipment, servants, and expenses to have a “hybrid” Area assembly–that is, a meeting simultaneously both in person and online. The subcommittee listened to a tech sharing session by Area 72, and reviewed additional documentation provided by other Areas, YPAA conferences, and West Central Region conferences. Upon confirming what equipment Area 41 already owns, much discussion was had regarding minimum starting equipment needs, and number of servants required.
It was determined to use a “crawl/walk/run” approach, utilizing some member-owned equipment to start. Area 41 can utilize a simple setup, without any need for pan, tilt, and zoom robotic video cameras or controllers. As was done with previous Area 41 hybrid assemblies, having an off-camera microphone for in person members will remain valuable, if not necessary. We expect techie members to own personal laptops. Using Area 41’s existing sound equipment and digital audio interface alongside some borrowed equipment, a basic hybrid setup is feasible with the purchase of a noise isolation filter and basic webcams.
It was determined to also move agenda item “2024-04-06 002 (Tech with consultation of Report & Charter): Dissolve the taper position and create a “tech gopher” position.” out of committee alongside agenda item 2021-07-10 017, with the intent that an expanded Audio-Visual service position with lodging and mileage support would be a crucial part of a hybrid assembly operator team. An informal meeting was held in early October, and Report and Charter Committee also discussed and collaborated on this item on October 12. The primary discussion points were whether to have the revised position remain a six-year appointment and whether to recommend two nights of lodging per assembly. It was also discussed whether to have equipment stored and transported by the Alternate Delegate, or to have the Audio-Visual servant be responsible for their respective equipment. After much discussion and the recommendation of the current Taper servant, committee consensus was to suggest an Audio-Visual servant be responsible for the audio equipment and additional equipment for hybrid assemblies, as well as be supported to arrive on Friday with said equipment.
Two October 12 motions carried with no opposition, to move the following two items out of committee to a vote (resolution of “Recommend to the Area 41 Committee” per Area 41 Service Handbook):
Agenda Item 2021-07-10 017 Agenda: Area 41 conduct hybrid meetings as an option for virtual, as well as physical, attendance at Area 41 assemblies and business meetings. The hybrid meetings will utilize some borrowed equipment from A.A. members for a period of one year. In addition to borrowed equipment, Area 41 would purchase equipment up to an estimated initial investment of $450 including tax. At the end of this period, the hybrid meetings would continue with the Area purchasing additional necessary equipment. Collaboration between the Technology and Communications Committee and Agenda Committee is encouraged, with regards to implementation and service rotation.
The hybrid option for both virtual and physical attendance increases the right of participation for members of Area 41, by reducing barriers to participation. Well-known barriers include accessibility, accommodations, and remote communities. The hybrid platform would also support implementation of interpretation opportunities. Additionally, some voting members may not have the necessary financial support to attend in person. Allowing the option of virtual participation at Area assemblies helps ensure all voices are heard for our group conscience.
Virtual participation also provides an additional avenue for service work. E.g., a hybrid committee meeting may attract qualified servants who don’t have voting roles at Area business meetings.
Applicable traditions include Tradition 1 that states: “each member of Alcoholics Anonymous is but a small part of a great whole. A.A. must continue to live or most of us will surely die.” Hence our common welfare comes first. But individual welfare follows close afterward.
Also applicable is Tradition 3, which states, in part: “Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism.” In addition, Concept IV is applicable, stating, “At all responsible levels, we ought to maintain a tradition of ‘Right of Participation’ allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge.” As GSRs are the voice of their groups and DCMs are the voice of their districts, they have a right of participation.
Area 41 previously assembled both online only, and hybrid (in person and online), in 2020 and 2021. Many Areas in the US and Canada offer hybrid assembly attendance.
The committee believes that most of the on-site support can be performed by existing servants receiving lodging assistance. The committee will work with the Finance Committee to offer additional lodging and transportation funding if needed.
It is anticipated that Area 41 would need two to three in person servants and one or two online servants, to operate the hybrid meeting.
Area 41 already owns the following equipment to be used: Three microphones and receiver, digital audio interface, and a wi-fi router. Area 41 equipment to be purchased immediately: noise isolator filter (estimated $38.99 before tax) and up to 10 webcams (bulk price estimated $38.00 before tax)–one for main room and up to 9 for those committee breakouts utilizing member laptops–for an estimated maximum initial investment of $449.37 after Lincoln, NE sales tax rate.
This proposal assumes that each committee will identify a member owned device that can be used to connect to the online breakout for that committee meeting. The number of committees using a laptop that would benefit from an external webcam for improved video and audio quality will be determined prior to any purchases. Committee breakouts could also use member devices such as a phone or tablet, without the need for an external webcam.
Equipment to be lent by A.A. members for one year period: projectors, second screen (if needed), small amp(s) for large breakout (such as GSR Workshop), power strips, extension cords, and other misc. cables. Area 41 currently utilizes the hotel’s house sound, with the current approved contract extending through 2026. If the Area would choose to meet in other types of facilities in the future, additional sound system equipment may need to be considered.
At the end of the period utilizing borrowed equipment, the hybrid meetings would continue with the Area purchasing additional necessary equipment. The proposed list of equipment for purchase is suggested to be considered at or before the fourth hybrid assembly. This would allow time to determine what the Area’s specific equipment needs are, to minimize any initial investment.
Note: The following image and notes are for illustrative purposes, and not intended to reflect the exact room or equipment layout.

Agenda 2024-04-06 002 Technology & Communications (with consultation of Report & Charter):
Dissolve the Taper service position and create an Audio-Visual service position. Because this position requires special skills and continuity, it ought to remain a six-year appointment. Area Chairperson to appoint a servant to serve through the remainder of 2025. The service position would be overseen by the Technology and Communications Committee.
Also amend the Area 41 Service Handbook to appropriately reflect these changes.
Amend budget to move Taper position lodging, mileage, and “Area Taping” expense lines from Secretary to Technology and Communications Committee, and rename appropriately. Update lodging to be for two nights per assembly, to allow servant to arrive on Friday with equipment.
As the area becomes more /and more modernized, the need for a person to manage several different pieces of technology instead of just recording assemblies has become apparent. This position could take on tasks such as, but not limited to, making sure the projectors are working, managing the microphones/sound systems, ensuring the meetings are audio-recorded, assisting with slide sharing, assisting with logistics and/or hosting for online or hybrid meetings, etc. This position may be expanded according to the needs of the assembly.
The servant will ensure proper storage and adequate security of applicable equipment, and timely delivery and setup for area assemblies.
Area 41 Service Handbook references to amend include: update “Taper” to “Audio-Visual” in Paragraphs II.C.2, III.C.2.c.iii, IV.B, and IV.B.3; and remove “Taper” reference from Report and Charter Committee scope in Paragraph V.B.9.b.
Our next monthly committee meeting is Sat, Nov 9, 2-3:30 PM central (online). All Technology and Communications committee meetings use Zoom Meeting ID 826 9447 5240, and passcode a41service.
Our other tabled agenda items in committee remain as follows:
- 2022-10-09 014 re. Email Subscription Service through Website, which was previously resolved, but then required debugging. Tabled pending new website rollout.
- 2023-04-15 08b (Tech confer with Finance): Create guidelines and answer Traditions questions for future Area 41 purchases of electronic equipment. Tabled pending the Area vote on item 2021-07-10 017 regarding hybrid assembly potential, so the committee is fully informed regarding actual relevant equipment.
Please feel free to contact me at [Committee Contact Form].
In service,
Sarah R.