Agenda - January 2025
Agenda subject to change.
Saturday, January 11, 2025 | ||
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM | First Timer Orientation | Important for 1st-time attendees |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Area Committee Meetings (DCMs Assigned) Agenda/Workshop (26/23/28) Archives/Archivist (5/4/11) Cooperation with the Professional Community/Public Information (2/31/32) Corrections (1/12/20) Finance (25/9/30) Grapevine (16/22/8) Literature (24/7/6) Report & Charter/Newsletter/Taper/Registrar (19/3/18) Treatment/Accessibilities/Remote Communities (29/10/15) Technology and Communications (13/14/21) | All GSRs are strongly encouraged to attend the committee meeting of their choice. |
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Lunch *on your own* | Good luck! |
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Area Committee Meeting | DCMs/Committee Chairs/Officers |
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | GSR Workshop | GSRs |
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM | Ad-Hoc FUNction Breakouts ❓See questions and submit feedback: ❓ 1. Business vs. Workshops 2. Shorter vs. Longer Assemblies 3. Rotating Assemblies vs. 4 Corners Workshops 4. Appointed vs. Elected Committee Chairs | All Members |
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM | DCM Highlights | All Members |
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM | Dinner *on your own* | Good luck! |
8:00 PM - 8:40 PM 8:40 PM - 9:00 PM | Archives Workshop Sharing Session | All Members |
9:15 PM - Close | AA Speaker Meeting Tonia & Will M. Sioux City, IA | All Invited |
Sunday, January 12, 2025 | ||
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM | Open AA Discussion Meeting | All Invited |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Officer/Committee Reports Clarify Agenda Items - After Each Committee Report | All Members |
10:45 AM - 1:00 PM | Area 41 Business Meeting: --Old Business/New Business --Agenda Items Moved to Vote --New Agenda Items | All Members |
Old Business: Voting Items
✅(VOTE) Agenda Item 2021-07-10 017 Agenda:
Area 41 conduct hybrid meetings as an option for virtual, as well as physical, attendance at Area 41 assemblies and business meetings. The hybrid meetings will utilize some borrowed equipment from A.A. members for a period of one year. In addition to borrowed equipment, Area 41 would purchase equipment up to an estimated initial investment of $450 including tax. At the end of this period, the hybrid meetings would continue with the Area purchasing additional necessary equipment. Collaboration between the Technology and Communications Committee and Agenda Committee is encouraged, with regards to implementation and service rotation.
Background (click to expand)
The hybrid option for both virtual and physical attendance increases the right of participation for members of Area 41, by reducing barriers to participation. Well-known barriers include accessibility, accommodations, and remote communities. The hybrid platform would also support implementation of interpretation opportunities. Additionally, some voting members may not have the necessary financial support to attend in person. Allowing the option of virtual participation at Area assemblies helps ensure all voices are heard for our group conscience.
Virtual participation also provides an additional avenue for service work. E.g., a hybrid committee meeting may attract qualified servants who don’t have voting roles at Area business meetings.
Applicable traditions include Tradition 1 that states: “each member of Alcoholics Anonymous is but a small part of a great whole. A.A. must continue to live or most of us will surely die.” Hence our common welfare comes first. But individual welfare follows close afterward.
Also applicable is Tradition 3, which states, in part: “Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism.” In addition, Concept IV is applicable, stating, “At all responsible levels, we ought to maintain a tradition of ‘Right of Participation’ allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge.” As GSRs are the voice of their groups and DCMs are the voice of their districts, they have a right of participation.
Area 41 previously assembled both online only, and hybrid (in person and online), in 2020 and 2021. Many Areas in the US and Canada offer hybrid assembly attendance.
The committee believes that most of the on-site support can be performed by existing servants receiving lodging assistance. The committee will work with the Finance Committee to offer additional lodging and transportation funding if needed.
It is anticipated that Area 41 would need two to three in person servants and one or two online servants, to operate the hybrid meeting.
Area 41 already owns the following equipment to be used: Three microphones and receiver, digital audio interface, and a wi-fi router. Area 41 equipment to be purchased immediately: noise isolator filter (estimated $38.99 before tax) and up to 10 webcams (bulk price estimated $38.00 before tax)–one for main room and up to 9 for those committee breakouts utilizing member laptops–for an estimated maximum initial investment of $449.37 after Lincoln, NE sales tax rate.
This proposal assumes that each committee will identify a member owned device that can be used to connect to the online breakout for that committee meeting. The number of committees using a laptop that would benefit from an external webcam for improved video and audio quality will be determined prior to any purchases. Committee breakouts could also use member devices such as a phone or tablet, without the need for an external webcam.
Equipment to be lent by A.A. members for one year period: projectors, second screen (if needed), small amp(s) for large breakout (such as GSR Workshop), power strips, extension cords, and other misc. cables. Area 41 currently utilizes the hotel’s house sound, with the current approved contract extending through 2026. If the Area would choose to meet in other types of facilities in the future, additional sound system equipment may need to be considered.
At the end of the period utilizing borrowed equipment, the hybrid meetings would continue with the Area purchasing additional necessary equipment. The proposed list of equipment for purchase is suggested to be considered at or before the fourth hybrid assembly. This would allow time to determine what the Area’s specific equipment needs are, to minimize any initial investment.
Note: The following image and notes are for illustrative purposes, and not intended to reflect the exact room or equipment layout.

✅(VOTE) Agenda Item 2024-04-06 002 Technology & Communications (with consultation of Report & Charter):
Dissolve the Taper service position and create an Audio-Visual service position. Because this position requires special skills and continuity, it ought to remain a six-year appointment. Area Chairperson to appoint a servant to serve through the remainder of 2025. The service position would be overseen by the Technology and Communications Committee.
Also amend the Area 41 Service Handbook to appropriately reflect these changes.
Amend budget to move Taper position lodging, mileage, and “Area Taping” expense lines from Secretary to Technology and Communications Committee, and rename appropriately. Update lodging to be for two nights per assembly, to allow servant to arrive on Friday with equipment.
Background (click to expand)
As the area becomes more /and more modernized, the need for a person to manage several different pieces of technology instead of just recording assemblies has become apparent. This position could take on tasks such as, but not limited to, making sure the projectors are working, managing the microphones/sound systems, ensuring the meetings are audio-recorded, assisting with slide sharing, assisting with logistics and/or hosting for online or hybrid meetings, etc. This position may be expanded according to the needs of the assembly.
The servant will ensure proper storage and adequate security of applicable equipment, and timely delivery and setup for area assemblies.
Area 41 Service Handbook references to amend include: update “Taper” to “Audio-Visual” in Paragraphs II.C.2, III.C.2.c.iii, IV.B, and IV.B.3; and remove “Taper” reference from Report and Charter Committee scope in Paragraph V.B.9.b.
✅(VOTE) Agenda Item 2025 01-11 018 EMERGENCY ITEM:
Elect a Workshop Chair.
Background (click to expand)
Area 41 has an elected service position for a Workshop chair responsible for helping plan and support all 4-Corners Workshops, be a liaison to the Area 41 Reunion planning committee and sit on the Agenda committee, they are also responsible for finding a district to host the AA discussion meetings at Area Assemblies. This person is funded, a voting member and will serve on the regular rotation schedule. This person would be eligible to stand for a continued term in October.
The purpose of a 4-Corners Workshop is to take Area 41 to the four sections of the state (defined later) and give local members a chance to learn about Area 41 and to meet and get to know the Area 41 Committee members.
New Business: Assigned to Committee
Agenda Item 2025 Report and Charter 01-11 016: Name Change for the “Reunion” to “Delegate’s Report & Service Summit”
Background (click to expand)
Background: The current name, “Reunion” may inadvertently give the impression that it is exclusive to those familiar with or previously connected to Area 41. This exclusivity may deter newcomers who are interested in service but may not know others involved in Area 41. Changing the name to “Delegate’s Report & Service Summit” could help convey that the event is inclusive and geared towards engaging individuals interested in service, regardless of prior connections. Emphasizing the event’s focus on the Delegate’s report and service opportunities may attract a broader audience and increase participation from new attendees.
AGENDA ITEM 2025 Corrections 01-11 017: The Area 41 Correctional Facilities Committee recommends the name of the committee be changed to Corrections. The name change would mirror the General Service Board (GSB) service structure and reflect what Area 41 currently calls the committee.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In the Area 41 Service Handbook, Eighth Edition, 2024; Page 2, Section V. B. 3, the committee is named, Correctional Facilities Committee, yet it is referred to as Corrections in the Area 41 Nebraska News (newsletter). The General Service Board (GSB) service structure uses the name Corrections. The name change would mirror the GSB and reflect what Area 41 is doing in practice.
2022-04-02 005 (cc) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Committee Comments
The Area 41 FUNction ad hoc committee has spent much time and research, and could continue to do much more ad infinitum. We do not claim that these recommendations are the best, as there are many great options. We do, however, agree that these recommendations are highly likely to be better, that change is necessary, and that we are honoring what we have been asked to do: “2022-04-02 005 Agenda Item Agenda: Review current practices and recommend changes, if necessary, to improve how Area 41 functions in order to best serve groups and individuals in the Area.
We are taking ourselves too seriously. We spend too much time arguing semantics, rules, and wordsmithing. Let’s spend more time studying the concepts of AA, training future leaders, and enjoying ourselves, rather than spending too much time arguing about business. We believe that, as an Area, we need to change ourselves to be of maximum service to those around us. Many things that we do use up time that could be better used elsewhere. We have outlasted our previous structure & it is time for change. According to Concept 9, “If an idea looks like a good bet, we try it on — experimentally when that is possible.” Some of these changes will need adjustments. As we all know, growing pains never really stop, but our current situation with hotel costs are becoming unsupportable, and we as a fellowship don’t go out west together, and our newsletter cannot technically be done early enough, and we’re missing a lot of groups voices at Area, and our stuff is out of date, and sometimes we have a lot of long boring stuff, which don’t get us wrong, sometimes is necessary, but a lot of it might not be.
2022-04-02 005 (a1) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Change the format of Area 41 Assemblies by amending the number of Business meetings held at Assemblies from 4 to 2. This would begin the year after any hotel contract Area 41 has in place. If negotiations are taking place to renew the contract, then those plans supersede the timing of this Agenda item, and this item will not go into effect until after the newly contracted time. Business Meetings would take place in April and October. January and/or July would be one day Assemblies focused on workshops, fellowship, and helping to educate our members and trusted servants.
The passing of this agenda item shall suspend: AGENDA ITEM 2011-09-17 013 Agenda Area 41 consider scheduling Area 41 Business Meetings in January, March, August, and October with reunion meeting date to remain in June.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND: One reason people don’t come to Area is the cost. Some groups or Districts cannot afford to send and/or spend money on hotels 4x/year in order to participate. It is thought that, perhaps, if there were only two 2x business meetings per year, the cost would be inclusive to more groups and/or districts to attend. Then, the non-business assemblies may be attended at a lower cost, or virtually if needed. The FUNction ad hoc can say, based upon the scope of our committee, and what we do know, that it would improve our Area 41 participation if we allow our members to virtually join our committees.
But also, Area 41 needs to consider its current financials and what is fiscally responsible. Meeting space used to come free at hotels & hotel rooms were $70. Now, meeting space may cost between a few hundred to a thousand or more, and rooms have doubled. Some groups or Districts cannot afford to send at that current rate, and our business contracts are taking a much larger percentage of our total revenue. The ad hoc committee agrees that is a financial situation we are currently surviving, but is this really fiscally sustainable for our FUTURE?
The finance committee has been contacted and we will update if given any further impact statement.
2022-04-02 005 (a2) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Change the format of Area 41 Assemblies by varying the location of Area 41 Assembly meetings that are not conducting business. Non-Business Assemblies, known as “Service Assemblies” in this Agenda Item, would move to a different city than the “Business Assemblies,” either rotating around the state or being in a permanent fixed location outside the city that hosts the Business meeting. This would begin the year after any hotel contract Area 41 has in place. If negotiations are taking place to renew the contract, then those plans supersede the timing of this Agenda item and this item will not go into effect until after the newly contracted time. Area 41 will secure a meeting space suitable for a day to host workshops, host fellowship, and to help educate our members and trusted servants.
The passing of this agenda item shall suspend: Jan. 2006 Motion that Area 41 Standing Committee meetings scheduled to run concurrently on Saturday morning of all Area meetings for 9am –noon, with appropriate breaks as determined within each committee.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND: Currently, we have not been able to afford moving our Area assemblies. Other Areas rotate their service days & look for smaller locations, such as schools, gyms, churches, etc. Perhaps this may allow for more participation and better unity throughout the Area. It would be nice to be able to eat at different restaurants around the state.
Also, Area 41 needs to consider its current financials and what is fiscally responsible. Meeting space used to come free at hotels & hotel rooms were $70. Now, meeting space may cost between a few hundred to a thousand or more, and rooms have doubled. Some groups or Districts cannot afford to send at that current rate, and our business contracts are taking a much larger percentage of our total revenue. The ad hoc committee agrees that is a financial situation we are currently surviving, but is this fiscally sustainable for our FUTURE?
The finance committee has been contacted and we will update if given any further impact statement.
2022-04-02 005 (a3) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: For a trial run of 3 rotations, pause the 4-Corners workshops and its requisite service position at Area 41, if the agenda item voting to hold one day service assemblies in a separate city than the Area 41 Business Meeting passes.
The passing of this agenda item shall suspend: April 1990 Motion for the Area to sponsor having a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 one day workshops per year by any Area Committee that is asked for the four corners of the State utilizing Area funds.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND: We would suggest a temporary pause on 4-corners workshops to see if we have better unity as an area by getting many more people (hopefully 50+) in our area out to different and/or less traveled locales for an entire assembly, as opposed to 8 Area Officers and Chairs for a few hours. The pause would allow the opportunity to do a cost analysis to see if the money is better spent bringing the whole Area to visit.
2022-04-02 005 (b) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Replace GSR & DCM Workshops with Topic Workshop(s).The passing of this item will repeal the GSR Workshop and alternate GSR Workshop positions.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND: The separation of GSR’s & DCM’s at Area 41 is a remnant of a time when GSR’s didn’t vote i.e. it is a structural leftover. If at any time a workshop is needed for only GSR’s or DCM's or Chair’s, the Area Chair can add it to the Agenda. The topics currently covered in the GSR workshops can be useful for all area positions. Multiple topics may give more people chances to participate in workshop planning. Area Chair and/or Agenda Committee will plan workshops or delegate workshop planning.
2022-04-02 005 (c) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: The Area Chair is to appoint committee chair and service positions from a pool of interested candidates, nominations, and anyone else that the Area Chair may identify as a suitable candidate. The final slate of candidates to be approved by the Area by a ⅔ vote.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND: We are losing people in rotation change. Many qualified people choose not to stand that would be willing to serve if asked. These people have been some of our Groups, Districts, and Area’s greatest assets. Appointments could encourage these future leaders to serve when they might otherwise balk.
Having the Area Chair appoint committee chairs and service positions could also provide the Area with better rotation. Too often positions have been filled by acclamation because only one person was willing to stand at elections. Elections by acclamation are not “obtaining the best talent we can find,” as per Concept 9. Selecting candidates beyond those willing to stand will allow for greater rotation.
Building leadership for the future is also a concern, but Concept 9 lays it out pretty clearly:
● “Good leadership cannot function well in a poorly designed structure. But weak leadership can hardly function at all, even in the best of structures. But once we have created a basically sound structure, that job is finished, except for occasional refinements. With leadership we shall have a continuous problem. Good leadership can be here today and gone tomorrow. Furnishing our service structure with able and willing workers has to be a continuous activity. It is therefore a problem that in its very nature cannot be permanently solved. We must continuously find the right people for our many service tasks.” It will continuously be difficult & we must continuously FIND the right people.
● “Fortunately our Society is blessed with any amount of real leadership — the active people of today and the potential leaders of tomorrow as each new generation of able members swarms in. We have an abundance of men and women whose dedication, stability, vision, and special skills make them capable of dealing with every possible service assignment. We have only to seek these folks out and trust them to serve us.”
● “We shall be in continual need of these same attributes — tolerance, responsibility, flexibility, and vision — among our leaders of A.A. services at all levels. The principles of leadership will be the same whatever the size of the operation.
Maybe this seems like an attempt to stake out a specially privileged and superior type of A.A. member. But it really is not so. We simply are recognizing that our talents vary greatly. The conductor of an orchestra is not necessarily good at finance or foresight. And it is quite unlikely that a fine banker could be a great musical performer. So when we talk about A.A. leadership we only declare that we ought to select that leadership on the basis of obtaining the best talent we can find.”
If passed, the current chairs and service positions would stay in their current role until the next slate can be prepared, approved and in position. This would only apply for the transition into this system.
Note: this agenda item only applies to committee chairs and service positions - NOT to the officer positions.
2022-04-02 005 (d) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Area 41 should invite a speaker once per year from another Area, at the purview of the Area Chair.
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BACKGROUND: Currently, our budget only affords the opportunity to have our West Central Regional Trustee visit once per rotation, usually at our Elections. Having a guest visitor/presenter/speaker, from outside our Area or even Region, or even from the General Service Office or a Trustee, would provide broader service experience.
2022-04-02 005 (e) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Keeping in mind the always existing right of decision of the area chair and agenda committee, and that sometimes special circumstances arise, the fellowship would like it known that they appreciate efforts to attempt business meetings on Saturdays.
Background (click to expand)
BACKGROUND: During the various workshops, surveys, and questions for information that were done by the FUNction ad hoc committee, one of the most popular ideas to the fellowship seemed to be a Saturday business meeting. It may or may not work for the schedule & ultimately the Area Chair has the responsibility of making sure everything works out. But, this voting item says..hey…we like this if it is possible.
2022-04-02 005 (f) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: A Resolution,
We, the Area Assembly of 2024-2025, acknowledge that due to the existence of an ad hoc committee and some of the decisions of the current Area Chair, there have been adjustments to the agenda and workshops, unlike what we’ve seen, and it has provided the ad hoc committee some valuable insights. We affirm any future area chair’s right of decision, but we also wish to formally document our experiences for the record.
Our experience with extended lunch and dinner breaks has been overwhelmingly positive. With these longer breaks, we have found that attendance at post-dinner workshops has significantly improved—rising from approximately 25%-50% to near full participation. Having topics at post dinner sharing sessions may have helped too, rather than just open sharing sessions.
Overall, we have observed reduced arguments, decreased stress, and an increase in unity and restfulness. These changes have contributed to a more generally positive outlook for our assembly.
While it is common for chairs and agenda committees to consider adjusting meal and break times, our experience suggests that the benefits of extended breaks are substantial. The relaxation and unhurried pace of meals have had a trickle-down effect, fostering greater unity and reducing unnecessary conflicts. This has led to increased engagement and attendance.
Regarding workshops, we prefer them to be shorter and more focused, with multiple presenters, and with opportunities for sharing sessions. We request that future topics be relevant and beneficial to our service positions. Thank you.
Items Still in Committee...
- Agenda Item 2022-10-09 014 Technology & Communication: To create an Email Subscription Service
- Agenda Item 2023-04-15 008b Technology and Communications: Create guidelines and answer Traditions questions for future Area 41 purchases of electronic equipment. Determine who Area 41 should purchase electronic equipment for, how the items should be handled, used, protected, stored or passed along. Address questions of ongoing costs (subscriptions, maintenance, etc.) have not been addressed.
- Agenda Item 2024-01-06 #001 Report and Charter: Clarify the scope of standing committees to resolve agenda items in committee.
- Agenda Item 2024-01-06 003 Report & Charter: Area 41 to form a new Area committee tasked with hosting the area reunions. MOTION TO COMMIT TO FINANCE TO CONSIDER FEASIBILITY